Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Oh. You're a "Professional."

While shooting my mom's wedding last weekend, I had to deal with a so called "professional" interrupting my session. My first point is, if you are a professional, you would know how inconsiderate it is to critique someone's work mid shoot. And second, even if I wasn't mid session...mind your own business. I would never dream of walking up to anyone...stranger or not...and telling them that they are doing something wrong. How rude is that?! So after about an hour of my blood boiling, I finally was able to relax and let it go. And when I got home and uploaded what I had shot, I couldn't help but feel a bit "Hah! In your face!" when I uploaded my back lit photos (which he told me wouldn't turn out!) I guess the point that I am trying to make is to mind your own business. All of our styles are unique and different. If I would have followed his advice and placed the beautiful couple in the light he told me to, I never would have captured these amazing images.

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